German Salzburgers Arrive in Georgia

German Salzburgers Arrive in Georgia

Heralded Verb to give or be a sign that something is going to
Distinctive Adjective
uniquely characteristic of a person, group, or
Archbishop Noun Highest-ranking bishop
Expelled Verb Kick someone out of an organization or place
Protestant Noun Any denomination of church that rejects the
authority of the pope and fundamental Roman
Catholic doctrines
Exiles Noun A person or group forced from their home
country by a government or court as a
punishment, or self-imposed for political or
religious reasons
Spirituality Noun Relating to matters of the spirit
Work Ethic Noun a dedication to work, or belief in the moral value
of hard work
Independent Adjective able to operate alone because not dependent on
somebody or something else
Thrived Verb To grow and do well
Grist Mill Noun a building in which grain is ground into flour
Orphanage Noun A home for orphans